In other news, I am a huge nerd. Some of you will say, "Well, duh!" But for the rest of you who don't know me... now you know. My geekery goes beyond sci-fi shows (which I could discuss with you at length, but won't) and into the realm of online gaming. No, I'm not talking about Bejeweled. I mean MMORPGs.* My husband has played these for years, and he has specifically played Final Fantasy XI since probably the day before it came over from Japan. And guess who decided, a little over two years ago, to buy an XBox and join him in the virtual world of mages and monsters? Oooh, that's right - pick me.
How is this relevant to my work at present? Well, in spite of prepping for a show this weekend (which will probably be canceled due to rain) and crafting new inventory for multiple retail locations, I am now embroiled in the venture of creating a Black Mage Hat (I play a max-level BLM in the game. For those of you who need help, it's a dark magic user. With FIRE.). But wait! It's not just any Black Mage hat; this is the high-level Relic hat, which is so much better than the standard high-level hat. Let's compare:

But look at this:

So that is what I am making, with Halloween and the local parade and our annual harvest party in mind. And I'll probably wear it while gaming, too. And maybe to the store once in a while...
*Massive Media Online Role-Playing Games
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