Now that I work/volunteer/shop-sit part time at Inside the Cherry Cupboard, I've decided to move my hats from Hard Bean to there. I was never sure I wanted my hats at Hard Bean anyway just because they could get dirty or have coffee spilled on them or get squooshed about by small, unattended children. At Cherry Cupboard, I can keep an eye on them, actually talk to people about my business, and the hats fit in better with the shop's vintage/antique vibe. They also have lots of nice, fancy mirrors for admiring yourself in a lovely hat.
If you've never been to Inside the Cherry Cupboard, it is located at 9 S. Washington Street in Boyertown, PA and features antique and vintage jewelry, accessories, housewares, and furniture along with other random little treasures. It is a fantastic shop, and I am not just saying that because I work there! Our regular hours are currently Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Friday 1-5 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday by chance or appointment.
Speaking of hats, today I must go visit Pamela at Alabaster's to pick up my hats from the weekend show. Oh darn, afternoon tea! ;-) I wonder what kind of scones she's whipped up today?
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